söndag, september 28, 2008
tisdag, september 23, 2008
"... It turned out I didn't know a whole lot of things. Like that fashion shows are the most serious events in the entire world. Nobody in the audience smiles or talks; the models look like they're on the Bataan death march; and people slowly, lifelessly clap at the end. I've been to political panels, criminal trials, locker rooms of playoff losers, graduate English classes and the Ron Paul convention, and I've never seen people take themselves quite this seriously."
"... I quickly discovered that models aren't that hot. They're interesting-looking and striking and seem scary to talk to, but they didn't turn me on. I was so confused by this that I went backstage at the Donna Karan show to get an up-close look at Arlenis Sosa, who I was told is the new face of fashion. Sosa, 19, was pretty and awfully nice but mostly just really tall and outrageously skinny. Though she bragged to me about having just finished a salad and a kiwi, she paused when I asked her if that salad had dressing. 'I don't like dressing,' she said. I gave her a look. 'Because I can't be fat,' she continued. 'I do like it. But I don't want any.'"
– Joel Stein, Time Magazine. 18e september 2008.
Där kan man tala om att slå huvudet på spiken.
"... I quickly discovered that models aren't that hot. They're interesting-looking and striking and seem scary to talk to, but they didn't turn me on. I was so confused by this that I went backstage at the Donna Karan show to get an up-close look at Arlenis Sosa, who I was told is the new face of fashion. Sosa, 19, was pretty and awfully nice but mostly just really tall and outrageously skinny. Though she bragged to me about having just finished a salad and a kiwi, she paused when I asked her if that salad had dressing. 'I don't like dressing,' she said. I gave her a look. 'Because I can't be fat,' she continued. 'I do like it. But I don't want any.'"
– Joel Stein, Time Magazine. 18e september 2008.
Där kan man tala om att slå huvudet på spiken.
tisdag, augusti 26, 2008
tisdag, augusti 05, 2008
I söndags kväll gick jag, Hampus och Tommy på bio, och innan dess talade vi om vilka filmgenrer vi tycker om. Jag har alltid älskat gamla filmer, vilket Hampus tidigare uppfattat som något som jag hellre talade om, än menade. Han kunde riktigt se mig sitta prydligt inlidad i en filt i änden av soffan, med noggrannt målade naglar och en kopp te inom armlängds räckhåll, sa han. Sanningen är den att gamla, gärna svartvita, filmer ger mig så mycket mer. De berättar en historia, och en historia som är så annorlunda gentemot dagens filmer. Jag förespråkar framför allt de romantiska kärlekshistorierna. Diane Keaton och Woody Allen. Audrey Hepburn och George Peppard. Faye Dunaway och Warren Beatty. Ingrid Bergman och Humphrey Bogart. Jean Seberg och Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Och, naturligtvis, filmhistoriens två underbaraste par; James Dean och Nathalie Wood i Rebel Without a Cause, och Meg Ryan och Billy Crystal i When Harry Met Sally.

1. Rebel Without a Cause
2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Annie Hall
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
5. Bonnie and Clyde
6. Casablanca
7. Breathless (À Bout de Souffle)
Och, naturligtvis, filmhistoriens två underbaraste par; James Dean och Nathalie Wood i Rebel Without a Cause, och Meg Ryan och Billy Crystal i When Harry Met Sally.

2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Annie Hall
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
5. Bonnie and Clyde
6. Casablanca
7. Breathless (À Bout de Souffle)
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